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中华介入放射学电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (04) : 386 -391. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5782.2024.04.017


李琴1, 莫伟1,(), 周碧芳1, 李玉莲1, 阳秀春1   
  1. 1.410005 湖南长沙,湖南省人民医院(湖南师范大学附属第一医院)介入血管外科
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-18 出版日期:2024-11-25
  • 通信作者: 莫伟
  • 基金资助:

Construction of health problem list for patient guide after percutaneous hepatic puncture biliary drainage

Qin Li1, Wei Mo1,(), Bifang Zhou1, Yulian Li1, Xiuchun Yang1   

  1. 1.Department of Interventional Vascular Surgery, Hunan Provincial People's Hospital (The First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Normal University),Hunan Changsha 410005, China
  • Received:2024-01-18 Published:2024-11-25
  • Corresponding author: Wei Mo

李琴, 莫伟, 周碧芳, 李玉莲, 阳秀春. 经皮肝穿刺胆道引流术后患者指南健康问题清单的构建[J/OL]. 中华介入放射学电子杂志, 2024, 12(04): 386-391.

Qin Li, Wei Mo, Bifang Zhou, Yulian Li, Xiuchun Yang. Construction of health problem list for patient guide after percutaneous hepatic puncture biliary drainage[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology(Electronic Edition), 2024, 12(04): 386-391.










To create a list of health problems covered in patient guidelines after percutaneous liver puncture biliary drainage based on Delphi method and analytic hierarchy process (AHP),and to provide reference for the formulation of relevant patient guidelines.


A list of health problems was developed through literature research and semi-structured interview, and the list items were scored by Delphi expert correspondence. The weight of each index was determined by analytic hierarchy process, and the list item of health problems in patients'guide after percutaneous liver puncture biliary drainage was determined.


A total of 16 issues related to health management after percutaneous hepatic puncture biliary drainage were extracted from 6 literatures. After interviews with 11 patients, 14 family caregivers and 9 medical professionals, a list of 20 health problems was extracted.A total of 19 health problems were identified as priority issues for this patient guide by screening the questions based on the Delphi expert correspondence score and the weights obtained from AHP.


Through literature research, in-depth personal interviews and correspondence from Delphi experts, AHP was used to calculate the weight to determine the health problems to be included in the patient guidelines for percutaneous liver puncture biliary drainage, which can provide reference for the formulation of follow-up patient guidelines.

表1 函询专家基本信息 [例(%)]
表2 PTBD术后健康问题清单
表3 专家意见协调程度
表4 PTBD术后最终纳入健康问题清单重要性赋值及权重
文献研究结合质性访谈提取的健康问题 最终确定纳入的健康问题 重要性赋值(x¯±s 变异系数CV 权重
1.相关基础知识 1.相关基础知识 4.667±0.594 0.127 0.045
1.1什么梗阻性黄疸? 1.1什么是PTBD? 4.389±0.698 0.159 0.042
1.2什么是PTBD? 1.2什么梗阻性黄疸? 4.556±0.616 0.135 0.044
1.3有哪些途径可以预防? 1.3梗阻性黄疸通常需要做哪些检查? 4.500±0.985 0.219 0.043
1.4梗阻性黄疸通常需要做哪些检查? 1.4如何预防胆道疾病? 4.389±1.037 0.236 0.042
1.5梗阻性黄疸的主要治疗手段有哪些? 1.5梗阻性黄疸的主要治疗手段有哪些? 4.556±0.511 0.112 0.044
2.术后护理 2.术后护理 4.944±0.236 0.048 0.048
2.1PTBD术后需要注意什么? 2.1PTBD术后有哪些注意事项? 4.500±0.618 0.137 0.043
2.2日常如何护理管道? 2.2日常如何护理管道? 4.889±0.323 0.066 0.047
2.3留置PTBD管道主要有哪些并发症?如何预防和处理这些并发症? 2.3留置PTBD管道有哪些并发症,以及如何预防和处理? 4.889±0.323 0.066 0.047
2.4出现疼痛如何表达和处理? 2.4出现疼痛如何表达和处理? 4.883±0.383 0.079 0.046
2.5患者可能会遭遇哪些心理难题,以及如何缓解? 2.5患者可能会遭遇哪些心理难题,以及如何缓解? 4.778±0.428 0.090 0.046
2.6什么情况下需要复诊?预约的途径有哪些? 2.6何时需要复诊?复诊预约途径有哪些? 4.611±0.850 0.184 0.044
3.居家照护 3.居家照护 4.944±0.236 0.048 0.048
3.1家庭环境 3.1饮食与营养有哪些注意事项? 4.833±0.383 0.079 0.046
3.2居家期间如何饮食和保障营养? 3.2带管活动时有哪些注意事项? 4.722±0.461 0.098 0.045
3.3居家期间如何活动? 3.3如何保证用药安全? 4.722±0.575 0.122 0.045
3.4如何保证用药安全? 3.4如何应对疼痛? 4.778±0.493 0.197 0.046
3.5如何处理疼痛? 3.5如何进行管道维护? 4.889±0.323 0.066 0.047
3.6如何进行管道维护? 3.6出现并发症如何处理? 4.944±0.236 0.048 0.048
3.7出现并发症怎么办? 3.7如何获得心理支持? 4.833±0.383 0.079 0.046
3.8心理支持方式有哪些? 3.8什么情况需要紧急处理? 4.778±0.428 0.090 0.046
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