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中华介入放射学电子杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (01) : 16 -21. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5782.2022.01.003


左室收缩功能障碍与6~24 h内接受机械取栓的急性缺血性脑卒中患者不良预后相关
吴艺1, 曹月洲1, 贾振宇1, 赵林波1, 刘圣1, 施海彬1,()   
  1. 1. 2l0029 江苏南京,南京医科大学第一附属医院介入放射科
  • 收稿日期:2021-06-16 出版日期:2022-02-25
  • 通信作者: 施海彬

Left ventricular systolic dysfunction is associated with poor clinical outcomes in acute ischemic stroke patients treated with endovascular thrombectomy between 6-24 h

Yi Wu1, Yuezhou Cao1, Zhenyu Jia1, Linbo Zhao1, Sheng Liu1, Haibin Shi1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Interventional Radiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210029, China
  • Received:2021-06-16 Published:2022-02-25
  • Corresponding author: Haibin Shi

吴艺, 曹月洲, 贾振宇, 赵林波, 刘圣, 施海彬. 左室收缩功能障碍与6~24 h内接受机械取栓的急性缺血性脑卒中患者不良预后相关[J/OL]. 中华介入放射学电子杂志, 2022, 10(01): 16-21.

Yi Wu, Yuezhou Cao, Zhenyu Jia, Linbo Zhao, Sheng Liu, Haibin Shi. Left ventricular systolic dysfunction is associated with poor clinical outcomes in acute ischemic stroke patients treated with endovascular thrombectomy between 6-24 h[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology(Electronic Edition), 2022, 10(01): 16-21.


探讨以左室射血分数(LVEF)测量的左室收缩功能障碍(LVSD)与6~24 h内接受机械取栓治疗的前循环大血管闭塞型急性缺血性脑卒中(AIS)患者90 d预后的相关性。


回顾性分析2018年1月至2021年1月在发病后6~24 h内于我院接受机械取栓治疗的急性缺血性脑卒中患者资料。根据国际准则采用Simpson双平面法在二维超声心动图上评估LVEF,LVEF < 50%即定义为LVSD。90 d改良Rankin量表(mRS)评分3~6分定义为不良功能预后。采用单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析明确LVSD与90 d不良预后的相关性。


共计纳入了107例患者,其中26例(24.3%)术后出现了LVSD。多因素分析显示,LVSD(OR = 4.206,95%CI:1.357~13.035,P = 0.013)、美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表(NIHSS)基线评分高(OR = 1.234,95%CI:1.114~1.367,P < 0.001)、再灌注不良(mTICI 0~2a) (OR = 4.388,95%CI:1.373~14.023,P = 0.013)是90 d不良功能预后的独立危险因素。年龄(OR = 1.081,95%CI:1.005~1.161,P = 0.035)、LVSD (OR = 3.783,95%CI:1.029~13.911,P = 0.045)、美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表(NIHSS)基线评分高(OR = 1.109,95%CI:1.026~1.198,P = 0.009)是90 d死亡率的独立危险因素。


LVSD与6~24 h接受机械取栓治疗的急性缺血性脑卒中患者90 d不良预后独立相关。


To evaluate the association between left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVSD) measured by left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and 90 d clinical outcomes in acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients with large vessel occlusion (LVO) in the anterior cerebral circulation who underwent endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) between 6-24 h.


The clinical data of AIS patients with LVO in the anterior cerebral circulation who underwent EVT between 6-24 h after symptom onset in our hospita from January 2018 to January 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. LVEF was measured on two-dimensional echocardiography using Simpson's biplane method of discs according to international guidelines. LVSD was defined as LVEF < 50%. A modified Rankin Scale (mRS) of 3-6 at 90 d was defined as a poor functional outcome. The univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to access the correlation between LVSD and 90 d poor clinical outcome.


A total of 107 patients were enrolled in this study, of whom 26 (24.3%) patients had LVSD. On multivariate analyses, LVSD (OR =4.206, 95%CI: 1.357-13.035, P = 0.013), baseline high National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score (OR = 1.234, 95%CI: 1.114-1.367, P < 0.001) and poor reperfusion (mTICI 0-2a) (OR = 4.388, 95%CI: 1.373-14.023, P=0.013) were independent predictors of 90 d poor functional outcomes. Age(OR = 1.081, 95%CI: 1.005-1.161, P = 0.035), LVSD (OR = 3.783, 95%CI: 1.029-13.911, P = 0.045), and baseline high National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score (OR = 1.109, 95%CI: 1.026-1.198, P = 0.009) were independent risk factors for 90 d mortality.


LVSD was independently associated with 90 d poorer outcomes in AIS patients with LVO in the anterior circulation who underwent EVT between 6-24 h.

表1 非LVSD组与LVSD组一般临床资料比较
  总体(n = 107) 非LVSD组(n = 81) LVSD组(n = 26) P
年龄(岁) 67.5 ± 13.7 65.5 ± 14.4 73.8 ± 8.9 0.001
女性 47(43.9%) 35(43.2%) 12(46.2%) 0.792
基线NIHSS评分 12.0(10.0~18.0) 11.0(10.0~17.5) 14.0(10.0~22.3) 0.063
吸烟史 27(25.2%) 21(25.9%) 6(23.1%) 0.771
高血压史 65(60.7%) 51(63.0%) 14(53.8%) 0.408
高脂血症史 38(35.5%) 30(37.0%) 8(30.8%) 0.561
糖尿病史 24(22.4%) 17(21.0%) 7(26.9%) 0.528
脑卒中史 24(22.4%) 19(23.5%) 5(19.2%) 0.653
冠心病史 30(28.0%) 18(22.2%) 12(46.2%) 0.018
房颤史 29(27.1%) 23(28.4%) 6(23.1%) 0.596
左心室射血分数 55.8±10.6 61.3±3.7 38.7±5.6 < 0.001
  单纯Solitare 16(15.0%) 9(11.1%) 7(26.9%) 0.099
  单纯抽吸 4(3.7%) 4(3.9%) 0(0.0%) 0.570
  SWIM 87(81.3%) 68(84.0%) 19(73.1%) 0.343
不良开通(mTICI 0~2a) 23(21.5%) 16(19.8%) 7(26.9%) 0.439
发病至穿刺时间(min) 475.0(398.0~635.0) 453.0(400.0~685.0) 487.5(395.8~583.8) 0.073
手术时间(min) 88.0(57.0~113.0) 87.0(57.0~105.0) 97.5(59.0~147.3) 0.476
  颈内动脉 32(29.9%) 26(32.1%) 6(23.1%) 0.382
  大脑中动脉M1段 58(54.2%) 42(51.9%) 16(61.5%) 0.388
  大脑中动脉M2段 14(13.1%) 10(12.3%) 4(15.4%) 0.948
  大脑前动脉 3(2.8%) 3(3.7%) 0(0.0%) 1.000
静脉溶栓 21(19.6%) 16(19.8%) 5(19.2%) 0.953
基线ASPECT评分 6.0(5.0~8.0) 7.0(5.0~8.0) 6.0(4.0~7.0) 0.609
核心梗死体积 8.9(1.0~25.2) 8.9(1.0~25.7) 9.0(1.5~22.8) 0.522
不匹配体积 131.0(77.0~173.0) 131.0(72.5~167.9) 130.1(87.1~188.5) 0.317
低灌注指数 0.37(0.20~0.51) 0.37(0.21~0.53) 0.36(0.18~0.48) 0.591
症状性颅内出血 6(5.6%) 4(4.9%) 2(7.7%) 0.631
  大动脉粥样硬化 44(41.1%) 34(42.0%) 10(38.5%) 0.751
  心源性栓塞 54(50.5%) 39(48.1%) 15(57.7%) 0.397
  其他已知病因 3(2.8%) 3(3.7%) 0(0.0%) 1.000
  不明原因 6(5.6%) 5(6.2%) 1(3.8%) 1.000
90 d死亡 14(13.1%) 6(7.4%) 8(30.8%) 0.006
90 d不良预后 50(46.7%) 31(38.3%) 19(73.1%) 0.002
表2 两组患者90 d死亡率的单因素分析
  存活(n = 93) 死亡(n = 14) P
年龄(岁) 66.1 ± 13.5 77.0 ± 11.3 0.005
女性 39(41.9%) 8(57.7%) 0.285
LVSD 18(19.4%) 8(57.1%) 0.006
基线NIHSS评分 11.0(10.0~16.0) 20.0(13.5~29.8) 0.012
吸烟史 24(25.8%) 3(21.4%) 0.983
高血压史 55(59.1%) 10(71.4%) 0.380
高脂血症史 33(35.5%) 5(35.7%) 1.000
糖尿病史 21(22.6%) 3(21.4%) 1.000
脑卒中史 22(23.7%) 2(14.3%) 0.660
冠心病史 23(24.7%) 7(50.0%) 0.100
房颤史 25(26.9%) 4(28.6%) 1.000
  单纯Solitare 14(15.1%) 2(14.3%) 1.000
  单纯抽吸 4(4.3%) 0(0.0%) 1.000
  SWIM 75(80.6%) 12(85.7%) 0.932
不良开通(mTICI 0~2a) 19(20.4%) 4(28.6%) 0.732
发病至穿刺时间(min) 463.0(399.0~634.0) 490.0(394.5~656.8) 0.658
手术时间(min) 86.0(56.0~101.5) 122.0(74.3~151.5) 0.075
  颈内动脉 28(30.1%) 4(28.6%) 1.000
  大脑中动脉M1段 51(54.8%) 7(50.0%) 0.735
  大脑中动脉M2段 12(12.9%) 2(14.3%) 1.000
  大脑前动脉 2(2.2%) 1(7.1%) 0.346
静脉溶栓 21(22.6%) 0(0.0%) 0.105
基线ASPECT评分 6.0(5.0~8.0) 6.0(5.0~8.0) 0.981
核心梗死体积 10.3(1.0~25.7) 4.5(0.8~22.5) 0.431
不匹配体积 133.0(77.3~170.0) 127.0(63.2~188.5) 0.720
低灌注指数 0.36(0.19~0.51) 0.46(0.22~0.58) 0.698
症状性颅内出血 5(5.4%) 1(7.1%) 1.000
  大动脉粥样硬化 40(43.0%) 4(28.6%) 0.306
  心源性栓塞 44(47.3%) 10(71.4%) 0.092
  其他已知病因 3(3.2%) 0(0.0%) 1.000
  不明原因 6(6.5%) 0(0.0%) 0.722
表3 两组患者90 d不良功能预后的单因素分析
  良好预后(n = 57) 不良预后(n = 50) P
年龄(岁) 64.1 ± 13.5 71.4 ± 12.9 0.005
女性 21(36.8%) 26(52.0%) 0.115
LVSD 7(12.3%) 19(38.0%) 0.002
基线NIHSS评分 10.0(10.0~12.0) 17.5(12.0~22.0) < 0.001
吸烟史 17(29.8%) 10(20.0%) 0.243
高血压史 33(57.9%) 32(64.0%) 0.519
高脂血症史 22(38.6%) 16(32.0%) 0.477
糖尿病史 13(22.8%) 11(22.0%) 0.920
脑卒中史 13(22.8%) 11(22.0%) 0.920
冠心病史 17(29.8%) 13(26.0%) 0.660
房颤史 13(22.8%) 16(32.0%) 0.286
  单纯Solitare 7(12.3%) 9(18.0%) 0.408
  单纯抽吸 4(7.0%) 0(0.0%) 0.121
  SWIM 46(80.7%) 41(82.0%) 0.864
不良开通(mTICI 0~2a) 7(12.3%) 16(32.0%) 0.013
发病至穿刺时间(min) 472.0(404.5~707.0) 477.0(395.0~610.5) 0.497
手术时间(min) 73.0(52.0~97.5) 99.5(69.8~138.0) 0.019
颈内动脉 17(29.8%) 15(30.0%) 0.984
  大脑中动脉M1段 31(54.4%) 27(54.0%) 0.968
  大脑中动脉M2段 8(14.0%) 6(12.0%) 0.755
  大脑前动脉 1(1.8%) 2(4.0%) 0.598
  静脉溶栓 13(22.8%) 8(16.0%) 0.376
基线ASPECT评分 6.0(5.0~8.0) 6.0(5.0~7.3) 0.817
核心梗死体积 11.0(1.0~27.2) 6.7(1.0~21.3) 0.752
不匹配体积 119.3(72.5~157.6) 135.1(88.8~205.4) 0.069
低灌注指数 0.34(0.19~0.46) 0.46(0.22~0.58) 0.060
症状性颅内出血 3(5.3%) 3(6.0%) 1.000
  大动脉粥样硬化 23(40.4%) 21(42.0%) 0.863
  心源性栓塞 29(50.9%) 25(50.0%) 0.928
  其他已知病因 2(3.5%) 1(2.0%) 1.000
  不明原因 3(5.3%) 3(6.0%) 1.000
表4 两组患者90 d不良预后的多因素Logistic回归分析
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