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中华介入放射学电子杂志 ›› 2020, Vol. 08 ›› Issue (02) : 108 -113. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5782.2020.02.002

所属专题: 经典病例 经典病例 文献


郭辉1, 刘佳妮2, 张永裕1, 张慧涛1, 贺嘉男1, 甘海润1, 赵逆1, 庞鹏飞1,()   
  1. 1. 519000 广东珠海,中山大学附属第五医院介入医学中心介入血管外科
    2. 519000 广东珠海,中山大学附属第五医院肿瘤中心头颈肿瘤科
  • 收稿日期:2020-04-04 出版日期:2020-05-25
  • 通信作者: 庞鹏飞

Percutaneous transluminal stenting in treatment of central venous stenosis: analysis of 29 patients

Hui Guo1, Jiani Liu2, Yongyu Zhang1, Huitao Zhang1, Jia'nan He1, Hairun Gan1, Ni Zhao1, Pengfei Pang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Interventional Vascular Surgery, Interventional Medical Centre
    2. Department of Head and Neck Oncology, Cancer Center, the Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong Zhuhai 519000, China
  • Received:2020-04-04 Published:2020-05-25
  • Corresponding author: Pengfei Pang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Pang Pengfei; Email:

郭辉, 刘佳妮, 张永裕, 张慧涛, 贺嘉男, 甘海润, 赵逆, 庞鹏飞. 经皮腔内支架植入术治疗中心静脉狭窄29例分析[J/OL]. 中华介入放射学电子杂志, 2020, 08(02): 108-113.

Hui Guo, Jiani Liu, Yongyu Zhang, Huitao Zhang, Jia'nan He, Hairun Gan, Ni Zhao, Pengfei Pang. Percutaneous transluminal stenting in treatment of central venous stenosis: analysis of 29 patients[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology(Electronic Edition), 2020, 08(02): 108-113.






29例患者实施PTS治疗共计36例/次,技术成功率约97.2%,临床有效率约94.4%;植入支架共计48枚,其中裸支架36枚,覆膜支架12枚;所有患者均未见明显手术相关并发症。术后随访3~38个月,10例/次患者于术后出现再狭窄并行再次手术干预;其中,裸支架PTS术后再狭窄率(45.8%)显著高于覆膜支架(10.0%) (χ2=3.852,P=0.046)。合并慢性肾功能衰竭(CRF)经自体动静脉瘘行血液透析患者PTS术后再狭窄率(57.1%)显著高于非CRF患者(19.0%) (χ2=5.256,P= 0.022)。相比于术后接受规律抗凝治疗的患者,未接受规律抗凝患者术后支架再狭窄率较高(26.67% vs 100%,χ2= 8.311,P=0.004)。




TTo evaluate the effect of percutaneous transluminal stenting (PTS) in treatment of central venous stenosis (CVS).


Clinical data of 29 patients who were diagnosed as CVS, manifested by imaging examination, and treated by PTS were collected and reviewed retrospectively. Follow-up was performed at the first, third and sixth month after discharge. The imaging examination, clinical results, complications, and second treatment were reviewed.


36 treatment of PTS were performed in the patients. The technical success rate was 97.2%, and clinical effective rate was 94.4%. A total of 48 stents were implanted, including 36 bare stents and 12 covered stents. There was no complication observed among these cases. After 3-38 months of follow-up, restenosis of the stent occurred in 10 patients after PTS, and re-intervention was performed. The restenosis rate of bare stent after PTS (45.8%) was significantly higher than that of covered stent (10.0%) (χ2=3.852, P=0.046). Moreover, the restenosis rate after PTS was 57.1% in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) undergoing hemodialysis through autologous arteriovenous fistula, and 19.0% in non-CRF patients, with significant difference (χ2=5.256, P=0.022). Compared with patients with post-operative regular anticoagulant therapy, the restenosis rate of stent in patients without regular anticoagulant therapy was higher (26.67% vs 100%, χ2=8.311, P=0.004).


PTS was effective in treatment of patients who suffered with CVS.The restenosis rate when performed with covered stent was lower than that with bare stent; however, the restenosis rate following PTS was higher in patients with CRF receiving hemodialysis treatment. Moreover, post-operative regular anticoagulant therapy was critical.

图1 患者男性,53岁,因"上腔静脉支架植入术后7月余,右上肢肿胀1周"入院;患者既往因慢性肾功能衰竭建立右上肢自体动静脉瘘,行血液透析治疗
图2 首次采用裸支架与覆膜支架行PTS治疗CVS术后一期通畅率的比较
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