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中华介入放射学电子杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (02) : 155 -160. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5782.2024.02.010


郭亚潘1, 孙敬1, 孙鹏程1, 张鑫1, 朱碧云2, 李智3, 倪才方3,()   
  1. 1. 215131 江苏苏州,苏州市相城人民医院介入科
    2. 215131 江苏苏州,苏州市相城人民医院手术室
    3. 215000 江苏苏州,苏州大学附属第一医院介入科
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-10 出版日期:2024-05-25
  • 通信作者: 倪才方
  • 基金资助:

Super-selective embolization for acute renal hemorrhage and the role of CTA in displaying offending arteries

Yapan Guo1, Jing Sun1, Xin Zhang1, Pengcheng Sun1, Biyun Zhu2, Zhi Li3, Caifang Ni3,()   

  1. 1. Department of Interventional Radiology, Suzhou Xiangcheng People's Hospital, Jiangsu Suzhou 2155131
    2. Operating Room, Suzhou Xiangcheng People's Hospital, Jiangsu Suzhou 2155131
    3. Department of Interventional Radiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Jiangsu Suzhou 215000, China
  • Received:2023-08-10 Published:2024-05-25
  • Corresponding author: Caifang Ni

郭亚潘, 孙敬, 孙鹏程, 张鑫, 朱碧云, 李智, 倪才方. 超选择栓塞治疗急性肾出血及CT血管成像在显示责任血管中的作用[J]. 中华介入放射学电子杂志, 2024, 12(02): 155-160.

Yapan Guo, Jing Sun, Xin Zhang, Pengcheng Sun, Biyun Zhu, Zhi Li, Caifang Ni. Super-selective embolization for acute renal hemorrhage and the role of CTA in displaying offending arteries[J]. Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology(Electronic Edition), 2024, 12(02): 155-160.


研究超选择肾动脉栓塞(renal artery embolization,RAE)治疗急性肾出血的成功率,以及栓塞前CT血管成像(computed tomography an giography,CTA)在显示责任血管中的作用。


选择2016年1月至2021年12月苏州大学附属第一医院介入科和苏州市相城人民医院介入科完成的RAE病例。以发现并栓塞责任血管、出血停止、血压恢复为技术成功,以康复出院为临床成功,以RAE前后肌酐、尿素氮、肾小球滤过率的变化,以及栓塞相关并发症评价安全性。进一步筛选,病因为创伤或医源性损、有确切出血征象、有术前增强CT的病例。将增强CT数据回传工作站,行最大密度投影(maximal intensity projection,MIP)、曲面重建(curved planar reformation,CPR)、容积再现(volume rendering,VR)重建。以RAE术中造影为金标准,研究CTA的灵敏度和特异度。






To investigate the success rate of super selective renal artery embolization (RAE) in the treatment of acute renal hemorrhage in our center and the role of computed tomography angiography (CTA) in the identification of offending arteries.


Patients with acute renal hemorrhage treated by RAE in our center in recent 6 years were included. Technical success was defined as to find and embolize the offending arteries, stop bleeding and restore blood pressure. Clinical success was determined by rehabilitation and discharge. The safety was evaluated by the changes of creatinine, urea nitrogen and estimated glomerular filtration rate before and after RAE, and the complications related to embolism. Further screening the cases caused by trauma or iatrogenic damage, with definite bleeding signs, and with pre-RAE enhanced CT. The enhanced CT data was returned to the workstation, and the maximal intensity projection (MIP), curved planar reformation (CPR), and volume rendering (VR) reconstruction were performed in the arterial phase. The sensitivity and specificity of CTA were studied compared with intra-RAE angiography as the gold standard.


A total of 52 cases were included, including 29 cases caused by iatrogenic damage, 9 cases caused by trauma and 14 cases caused by other reasons. The first technical success rate was 90.4%, the remedial technical success rate was 96.2%, and the clinical success rate was 92.3%. In 48 patients with clinical success, the changes of creatinine, urea nitrogen and glomerular filtration rate before and after RAE were not statistically significant, and all were within the normal range. There were no RAE-related complications during follow-up. CTA reconstruction was completed in 16 patients. The sensitivity of MIP, VR and CPR were 68.8%, 62.5% and 68.8%, respectively. The overall sensitivity of the three reconstruction methods was 75.0%. The specificity was 100%.


The technical success rate of RAE in the treatment of acute renal hemorrhage is 96.2% in our center. For acute renal hemorrhage caused by trauma or iatrogenic injury, pre-RAE CTA can display the offending arteries, and it can obtain a better effect to combine multiple reconstruction methods.

图1 男性,75岁,右肾部分性切除术后7 d突发血尿1A:RAE术中造影见上极动脉假性动脉瘤伴造影剂外溢;1B:微弹簧圈栓塞;1C~1E:用术前增强CT的数据行CTA重建,见假性动脉瘤及造影剂外溢的位置及供血动脉显示良好,与术中造影一致(1C-CPR重建、1D-VR重建、1E-MIP重建)。
图2 男性,61岁,右肾结石,经皮肾镜碎石取石术15 d肾造瘘管引流出血性液体2A:RAE术中造影见右肾下极巨大假性动脉瘤,伴有动静脉瘘;2B:微弹簧圈栓塞;2C~2E:用术前增强CT的数据行CTA重建。MIP重建(2D)和VR重建(2E)可见假性动脉瘤(实心箭)和早显的肾静脉(空心箭),CPR重建(2C)可见假性动脉瘤与供血动脉。
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