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中华介入放射学电子杂志 ›› 2015, Vol. 03 ›› Issue (02) : 74 -79. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5782.2015.02.005

所属专题: 文献


王志军1, 王茂强1,(), 段峰1, 宋鹏1   
  1. 1. 100853 北京,中国人民解放军总医院介入放射科
  • 收稿日期:2014-03-10 出版日期:2015-05-01
  • 通信作者: 王茂强

Clinical significance of supplemental transcatheter arterial embolization of thyrocervical trunk in the interventional procedure for peripheral disease

Zhijun Wang1, Maoqiang Wang1,(), Feng Duan1, Peng Song1   

  1. 1. Department of Interventional Radiology, General Hospital of Chinese People's Liberation Army, Beijing 100853, China
  • Received:2014-03-10 Published:2015-05-01
  • Corresponding author: Maoqiang Wang
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Wang Maoqiang, Email:

王志军, 王茂强, 段峰, 宋鹏. 甲状颈干栓塞术在外周血管介入中的临床意义[J]. 中华介入放射学电子杂志, 2015, 03(02): 74-79.

Zhijun Wang, Maoqiang Wang, Feng Duan, Peng Song. Clinical significance of supplemental transcatheter arterial embolization of thyrocervical trunk in the interventional procedure for peripheral disease[J]. Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology(Electronic Edition), 2015, 03(02): 74-79.






选择性造影均显示甲状颈干管径增粗、分支增多紊乱和不同程度的新生血管形成,伴有肿瘤血管和肿瘤染色者5例次、咯血患者中由甲状颈干供血区对比剂外溢4例次、非特异性片状对比剂染色4例。本组患者均行供血甲状颈干的栓塞术,同时栓塞胸廓内动脉9例、肋间动脉8例、膈下动脉3例、支气管动脉7例,术后咯血停止;随访2个月~2年,11例未再咯血。纵隔肿瘤患者介入治疗后行外科切除,术中出血仅100 ml。




To describe the manifestations of thyrocervical trunk blood supply in hemoptysis or tumor and to evaluate the safety and efficacy of transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) of the thyrocervical trunk.


During the past 2 years, 13 patients with hemoptysis and malignant tumor underwent BAE. Mean patient age was 44.5 years (range, 25—69 years). Supplemental TAE using PVA particles, gelatin sponge particles and microcoils was undertaken in the thyrocervical trunk supplying cases. The imaging findings of the thyrocervical trunk angiography, the predictive factors, the technique and clinical significance, including safety of the thyrocervical trunk embolization, were evaluated.


Selective arteriogram demonstrated enlargement of the thyrocervical trunk, with numerous branches and neovsaculature in all 13 cases, including contrast material extravasation in 4, tumor staining in 5, and non-specific staining in 4 cases. Technical success of thyrocervical trunk embolization was achieved in all 13cases. Embolization of other nonbronchial systemic arteries (the internal thoracic artery in 9、intercostal artery in 8 and inferior phrenic artery in 3 cases) and bronchial artery in 7 cases were performed at the same session. All bleedings ceased immediately after supplemental thyrocervical trunk embolization. Follow-up ranged from 2 months to 2 years, no recurrent bleeding in 11 patients. The patients with mediastinal mass received resection after embolization.


Thyrocervical trunk may be a supplemental artery for hemoptysis and mediastinal mass, resulting in clinical failure of BAE and supplemental TAE of thyrocervical trunk is a safe and effective adjunct to BAE in the management.

图1 患者女性,41岁,支气管扩张伴咯血,外院支气管动脉栓塞术后仍咯血不止。肺CT显示:右肺中叶不张实变,下叶多发磨玻璃影(图A,→)。选择性右侧甲状颈干造影显示:右侧甲状颈干管径明显增粗,走行迂曲,发出分支参与右肺中下叶供血,可见造影剂外溢表现(图B、图C,→)。经补充栓塞该支血管后,咯血停止
图2 患者男性,68岁,肺结核合并咯血,首次介入治疗后2月,再发大咯血。支气管动脉造影显示:右侧支气管动脉主干闭塞,右侧可见细小分支显影(图A,→)。右侧甲状颈干造影显示其明显增产、走行迂曲,发出分支参与右支气管、右下肺供血(图B,→)。左侧膈下动脉、右侧胸括内动脉明显增粗、发出分支参与肺内病灶供血(图C、图D,→)。经栓塞上述血管后,咯血停止
图3 患者男性,71岁,右肺中叶鳞癌伴间断咯血,急诊行介入检查和治疗。支气管动脉造影显示:左右支气管动脉共干,右侧支气管动脉参与肿瘤供血(图A,→)。右侧甲状颈干造影显示:右侧甲状颈干管径增粗,走行迂曲,发出分支参与肺内肿瘤供血。经急诊栓塞止血后出血停止(图B,→)
图4 患者男性,56岁,纵隔神经纤维瘤,术前栓塞。纵隔CT示:病变位于右肺上后段。(图A,→)。锁骨下动脉造影显示:右侧纵隔肿瘤显影。超选择性甲状颈干造影显示:动脉晚期染色
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