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中华介入放射学电子杂志 ›› 2015, Vol. 03 ›› Issue (01) : 37 -41. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5782.2015.01.009

所属专题: 文献


程期光1, 刘圣1,(), 许晓泉1, 祖庆泉1, 盛晔1, 余静1, 施海彬1   
  1. 1. 210029 南京医科大学第一附属医院放射科
  • 收稿日期:2014-08-14 出版日期:2015-02-01
  • 通信作者: 刘圣

Canine embolic stroke model resembling lacunar infarction following proximal cerebral artery occlusion

Qiguang Cheng1, Sheng Liu1,(), Xiaoquan Xu1, Qingquan Zu1, Ye Sheng1, Jing Yu1, Haibin Shi1   

  1. 1. Radiology Department, the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, China
  • Received:2014-08-14 Published:2015-02-01
  • Corresponding author: Sheng Liu
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Liu Sheng, Email:

程期光, 刘圣, 许晓泉, 祖庆泉, 盛晔, 余静, 施海彬. 犬大脑中动脉近端栓塞建立类腔隙性脑梗死模型的研究[J]. 中华介入放射学电子杂志, 2015, 03(01): 37-41.

Qiguang Cheng, Sheng Liu, Xiaoquan Xu, Qingquan Zu, Ye Sheng, Jing Yu, Haibin Shi. Canine embolic stroke model resembling lacunar infarction following proximal cerebral artery occlusion[J]. Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology(Electronic Edition), 2015, 03(01): 37-41.




成年健康毕格犬6只,插管至左侧颈内动脉后采用1条直径约1.7 mm、长5 mm的白色血栓栓塞,栓塞成功后30 min~6 h内每30 min使用DWI序列连续扫描观察梗死病灶急性期的演变过程。栓塞后24 h、7天复查血管造影、MR扫描及神经功能评分,记录梗死灶的出现时间、位置及大小,分别比较6 h DWI病灶、24 h和7天的T2加权像上病灶的体积,并比较24 h与7天的神经功能评分。7天后处死动物取脑组织行病理检查。


所有犬皆为左侧MCA的近端栓塞,DWI在栓塞后(1.24±0.51)h可以在基底节、脑白质区显示单一或数个异常信号病灶,6 h DWI病灶的直径为(6.90±2.08)mm。共有9个病灶在三个时间点都可以显示,病灶的大小均<10 mm;栓塞后6 h DWI,24 h T2WI以及7 d T2WI病灶体积分别为(168.39±138.11)mm3、(186.88±161.54)mm3和(165.89±135.30)mm3,三者之间差异无明显统计学意义(P=0.0531)。7 d时动物均存活,24 h和7 d的神经功能评分分别为4.50±1.38和2.33±0.82(P=0.0009)。病理学检查证实为基底节梗死最常见,其次为脑白质区。




To evaluate the feasibility, stability and process on diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) in acute phase of a middle cerebral artery (MCA) embolic occlusion stroke model in beagle dogs, and to discuss the potential mechanisms of lacunar infarction.


Six adult beagle dogs were involved in this study. After the catheterization was manipulated into the left internal carotid artery, an autologous clot about 1.7 mm in diameter and 5 mm long was injected through the catheter in each dog. The DWI was performed to evaluate the progression of ischemic lesions at 30 min interval within 6 h after embolization. The MR examinations with the same parameters and neurobehavioral scoring were performed at 24 h and 7 days after procedure. These animals were sacrificed for pathological examination at 7 days after embolization.


The left proximal MCA ware successfully occluded in all dogs using single-thrombus method. The solitary or multiple ischemic lesions shown as high signal intensity on DWI were observed with the mean detecting time of (1.22±0.51)h in the deep brain area, and the mean diameter of induced infarctions was (6.90±2.08)mm on 6 h-DWI after embolization. The mean volume of these lesions was (168.39±138.11)mm3, (186.88±161.54)mm3 and (165.89±135.30)mm3 at 6 h on DWI, 24 h and 7 days on T2 image, respectively. The statistical analysis didn’t show significant difference in the volume among the three time points (P=0.0531). The neuro-behavioral scores were 4.50±1.38 at 24 h and 2.33±0.82 at 7 days after procedure (P=0.0009). The ischemic infarctions located in the basilar ganglion area were most frequent in pathological examination.


The DWI abnormalities resembling lacunar infarcts can be detected in early phase after reliable proximal MCA occlusion using thrombi in beagle dogs, which exist abundant collateral anastomosis between the ECA and ICA. Our results provide further support for the concept that emboli may be a potential cause of lacunar infarcts.

图1 毕格犬栓塞前后脑血管的DSA图像 颅内造影示动脉显影清晰,A.栓塞前造影所示左侧MCA(箭);B.栓塞后左侧MCA近端未见显示,动脉晚期同侧远端皮层动脉通过侧支循环显影;C.栓塞后7 d复查DSA证实血管基本再通
图2 连续的DWI和T2WI冠状位扫描图像 分别采自栓塞后1 h(A)、2 h(B)、6 h(C)、24 h(D)以及7 d(E)。栓塞后1 h左侧基底节区DWI上观察到高信号灶(A),随着时间进行,DWI信号逐渐增高,栓塞后7 d病灶信号有减小、减低趋势。6 h内T2WI均未检出异常信号灶(A~C),24 h以及7 d可以观察到相应区域T2WI高信号
表1 栓塞后MR成像评估及神经功能评分
图3 左侧基底节区梗死灶冠状位脑组织标本及病理 A.TTC染色后左侧基底节区见直径约4.5 mm大小未染区域;B.光镜下见梗死区与正常区之间分界明显,神经细胞数目明显减少,凝固性坏死及核裂解(HE,×100)
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