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中华介入放射学电子杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (03) : 259 -267. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5782.2022.03.008


胡婧媛1, 谢勇1, 田欢2, 向华1,(), 彭冉1, 刘宇洲1, 周璐1, 刘剑1, 蔡卓言1   
  1. 1. 410005 湖南长沙,湖南师范大学附属第一医院(湖南省人民医院)介入血管外科
    2. 050000 河北石家庄,河北医科大学第二医院放射科
  • 收稿日期:2021-08-18 出版日期:2022-08-25
  • 通信作者: 向华
  • 基金资助:
    湖南省重点研发计划(2017SK2181); 湖南省科技创新平台与人才计划(2016SK4002)

Comparison of sequential TACE and portal vein embolization with portal vein embolization alone before major hepatectomy in hepatocellular carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Jingyuan Hu1, Yong Xie1, Huan Tian2, Hua Xiang1,(), Ran Peng1, Yuzhou Liu1, Lu Zhou1, Jian Liu1, Zhuoyan Cai1   

  1. 1. Department of Interventional Radiology and Vascular Surgery, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hunan Normal University, Hunan Provincial People's Hospital), Hunan Changsha 410005
    2. Department of Radiology, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hebei Medical University, Hebei Shijiazhuang 050000, China
  • Received:2021-08-18 Published:2022-08-25
  • Corresponding author: Hua Xiang

胡婧媛, 谢勇, 田欢, 向华, 彭冉, 刘宇洲, 周璐, 刘剑, 蔡卓言. 肝细胞癌肝大部分切除术前序贯TACE和门静脉栓塞与单独门静脉栓塞的比较:系统评价和荟萃分析[J/OL]. 中华介入放射学电子杂志, 2022, 10(03): 259-267.

Jingyuan Hu, Yong Xie, Huan Tian, Hua Xiang, Ran Peng, Yuzhou Liu, Lu Zhou, Jian Liu, Zhuoyan Cai. Comparison of sequential TACE and portal vein embolization with portal vein embolization alone before major hepatectomy in hepatocellular carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology(Electronic Edition), 2022, 10(03): 259-267.






共纳入了五项回顾性研究。结果显示,TACE + PVE组与PVE组相比,具有较高的1年OSR、3年OSR、5年OSR以及10年OSR。结果还表明,TACE + PVE组与PVE组相比,具有较高的1年RFSR、3年RFSR、5年RFSR以及10年RFSR。此外,TACE + PVE组与PVE组相比,具有更高的FLR体积、更高的肝切除率以及较低的术后并发症。




Compare the efficiency and safety of sequential transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) and portal vein embolization (PVE) versus PVE alone before major hepatectomy for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).


PubMed, the Cochrane Library were screened. The primary endpoints were overall survival rate (OSR), recurrence-free survival rate (RFSR), the increase in the percentage of FLR volume; secondary endpoints were hepatectomy rate, postoperative complications, hepatic failure rate after surgery, and mortality after surgery.


A total of five retrospective studies were included. The results showed the TACE + PVE group had a higher 1-year OSR, 3-year OSR, 5-year OSR, and 10-year OSR than PVE group. The results also indicated the TACE + PVE group had a higher 1-year RFSR, 3-year RFSR, 5-year RFSR, and 10-year RFSR than PVE group. The results demonstrated the TACE + PVE group had a higher FLR volume, as well as higher hepatectomy rate, and lower postoperative complications than PVE group.


Sequential TACE and PVE seem to be a more effective therapy than PVE alone before major hepatectomy for HCC patients, with better survival and safety.

图1 研究入选流程图
表1 纳入研究的基线特征
第一作者/出版年份/国家 发表杂志 研究类型 组别 年龄(岁) 性别 肝病背景(例) 肿瘤直径(cm) PVE与肝切除术的间隔时间 化疗、栓塞材料 结局 文章质量(分)
乙肝 丙肝 酒精肝 其它
Ogata/2006/法国[10] British Journal of Surgery 回顾性研究(从1998至2004) TACE + PVE:18 64 ± 7 14 4 4 11     7 ± 3 5.3(4~8)周
10~15 mL碘化油(Lipiodol Ultrafluid;Guerbet Laboratories,Paris,France)和40~60 mg阿霉素的混合物,然后用明胶海绵颗粒(Gelfoam;Upjohn Laboratories,Kalamazoo,Michigan,USA)栓塞 ①②③⑤⑥⑦⑨⑩⑫⑬ 8
PVE:18 63 ± 9 13 5 6 8     7 ± 2 5.7(4~8)周
用氰基丙烯酸酯(Histoacryl;B. Braun,Melsungen,Germany)和碘化油(Lipiodol Ultrafluid)的混合物栓塞门静脉右前、后支
Yoo/2010/韩国[7] Annals of surgical oncology 回顾性研究(从1997至2008) TACE + PVE:71 56.0 ± 9.4 60 11 57 9 3   6.36 ± 5.25 29 d(平均值) 碘化油(Lipiodol;Laboratoire Guerbet,Cedex,France)和顺铂(2 mg/kg)的混合物,然后用直径1 mm的可吸收明胶海绵颗粒(Gelfoam;Upjohn,Kalamazoo,MI)栓塞 ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑩⑪⑫⑬ 8
PVE:64 58.2 ± 9.2 56 8 52 3 5   6.66 ± 3.75 31 d(平均值) 门静脉栓塞仅使用明胶海绵(n = 69)、液体栓塞材料Embol-78(n = 25)、带有Amplatzer血管塞的明胶海绵(AGA Medical, Golden Valley,MN) (n = 21)或带线圈的明胶海绵(n = 20)
Choi/2015/韩国[11] Korean J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg 回顾性研究(从2003至2011) TACE + PVE:27 52.3 ± 8.6 21 6 27       5.1 ± 1.7     ①②③④ 8
PVE:13 53.8 ± 10 13 0 13       4.5 ± 1.3    
Park/2020/韩国[8] Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International 回顾性研究(从1993至2017) TACE + PVE:109 52.39 ± 9.2 92 17 93 2 1 13 5.39 ± 2.48 39 (31~49)d 碘化油(Lipiodol;Laboratoire Guerbet,Cedex,France)和顺铂(2 mg/kg)的混合物,然后用可吸收的明胶海绵颗粒(Gelfoam;Upjohn,Kalamazoo,Michigan,USA)栓塞 ①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩⑫ 8
PVE:38 54.71 ± 8.51 34 4 23 4 0 11 5.94 ± 3.23 23 (20~31)d 栓塞材料包括线圈、凝胶、液体试剂(即聚醋酸乙烯酯)和Amplatzer血管塞(AGA Medical,Golden Valley,MN),可单独使用或混合使用,具体取决于其可用性和操作者偏好
Terasawa/2020/法国[9] Surgery 回顾性研究(从2005至2015) TACE + PVE:27 65.0 (23.0~83.0) 24 3 5 7 3   8.1(5.0~20.0) 47.0(10~111)d
注射70 mg多柔比星和10 mg碘油的混合物,然后用明胶海绵颗粒栓塞 ①②⑩⑪⑫ 8
PVE alone:28 65.0 (44.0~82.0) 25 3 7 2 5   9.0 (5.0~18.0) 47.5(2~250)d
图2 TACE + PVE组和PVE组对比:1年OSR(2A)、3年OSR(2B)、5年OSR(2C)和10年OSR(2D)的森林图,OSR表示总生存率。
图3 TACE + PVE组和PVE组对比:1年RFSR(3A)、3年RFSR(3B)、5年RFSR(3C)和10年RFSR(3D)的森林图。RFSR表示无复发生存率。
图4 TACE + PVE组和PVE组的对比:FLR体积百分比增加(4A)、肝切除率(4B)、术后肝衰竭率(4C)、术后死亡率(4D)、术后并发症(4E)的森林图。
图5 敏感性分析5A:1年总生存率;5B:3年总生存率。
表2 生存率发表偏倚
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