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中华介入放射学电子杂志 ›› 2022, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (01) : 75 -82. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5782.2022.01.014


江哲宇1, 蒋天鹏1, 周石1, 王黎洲1,()   
  1. 1. 550004 贵州贵阳,贵州医科大学附属医院介入科
  • 收稿日期:2021-04-06 出版日期:2022-02-25
  • 通信作者: 王黎洲
  • 基金资助:

Research status and progress of microRNA in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury

Zheyu Jiang1, Tianpeng Jiang1, Shi Zhou1, Lizhou Wang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Interventional Radiology and Vascular Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University, Guizhou Guiyang 550004, China
  • Received:2021-04-06 Published:2022-02-25
  • Corresponding author: Lizhou Wang

江哲宇, 蒋天鹏, 周石, 王黎洲. 微小RNA在脑缺血再灌注损伤中的研究现状与进展[J/OL]. 中华介入放射学电子杂志, 2022, 10(01): 75-82.

Zheyu Jiang, Tianpeng Jiang, Shi Zhou, Lizhou Wang. Research status and progress of microRNA in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology(Electronic Edition), 2022, 10(01): 75-82.


Ischemic stroke is one of the leading cause of death and disability in adults. Vascular recanalization to obtain timely reperfusion is the preferred treatment in clinical practice. However, reperfusion can induce cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury (CIRI). The present research reveal that microRNAs (miRs) have been implicated in CIRI and could serve as therapeutic targets. As a research hotspot, the abnormal expression and function of miRs have been receiving more and more attention. Although relevant studies have suggested the safety and effectiveness of regulating miRs in the treatment of CIRI, there are no randomized controlled trials to formulate uniform standard guideline. This article aims to make a comprehensive review about the current status and progress of the research on the signaling pathways, pathological mechanisms, and various interactions of miRs involved in CIRI.

表1 miRNA在CIRI中的表达
进程 CIRI诱导下调 靶点 参考文献 CIRI诱导上调 靶点 参考文献
  miR-211 PUMA [54] miR-99b IGF1R [54]
  miR-874-3p BCL2LI3 [54] miR-106-5p Mcl-1 [54]
  miR-29a AQP4 [54] miR-138 SIRT1 [54]
  miR-496 BCL2LI4 [54] miR-224-3p FIP200 [54]
  miR-544 IRAK4 [54] miR-155 GATA3 [54]
  miR-219a-5p Pde4d [54] miR-429 GTAA3 [54]
  miR-26a-5p DAPK1 [54] miR-10a PI3K [54]
  miR-137 Notch1 [54] miR-223 IGF1R [54]
  miR-124 Ku70 [54] miR-370 SIRT1 [54]
  miR-431 Rho [54] miR-128 WNT1 [32]
  miR-144-3p Brg1 [54] miR-144 Nrl2 [54]
  miR-652 NOX2 [54] miR-142-5p Nrl2 [54]
  miR-124-5p NOX2 [54] miR-153 Nrl2 [54]
  miR-7a-5p a-Syn [54] miR-93 Nrl2 [54]
  miR-375 Ctgf [54] miR-217 SIRT1 [54]
  miR-29a PUMA [54] miR-135a GSK-3β [54]
  miR-455-3p TP53INP1 [54] miR-224-3p FIP200 [54]
        miR-421 MCL1 [54]
        miR-134 Nrf2 [39]
  miR-223 NLRP3 [54] miR-193b-3p 5-LOX [54]
  miR-211-5p COX-2 [54] miR-19a-3p IGFBP3 [54]
  miR-338-5p Ctgf [54] miR-155 MafB [54] [30]
  miR-544 IRAK4 [54] miR-217 SIRT1 [13][54]
  miR-182-5p TLR4 [54] miR-124 RhoA [28][29]
  miR-146a IRAK1 [54]      
  miR-338-5p Ctgf [26]      
  miR-1906 JAK2/STAT3 [22]      
  miR-22 VEGF [27]      
  miR-1000 VGlut [54] miR-107 GLT-1 [54]
  miR-223 GluR2,NR2B [54]      
  miR-30 Beclin1 [54] miR-124 PI3K [54]
  miR-298 Act1 [54]      
  miR-138 SIRT1 [54]      
  miR-202-5p eIF4E [54]      
  miR-539 MMP-9 [54] miR-130a [52]
  miR-21 MAP2K [52] [54] miR-150 [52]
  miR-429 Cxcll [54] miR-17 [52]
  miR-149-5p SIPR2 [54] miR-222 [52]
  miR-126 [52] miR-378 [52]
  miR-150 [52] miR-20a [52]
        miR-19a/b [52]
  miR-613 ATG3轴 [21] miR-373 [52]
  miR-26b [29] miR-24-1 [52]
        miR-181c [52]
        miR-210 [52]
        miR-26a-2 [52]
        miR-23 [52]
        miR-24 [52]
        miR-103 [52]
        miR-107 [52]
  miR-148b-3 [57] miR-292-5p [52]
  miR-488-3p [53] miR-290 [52]
        miR-206 [52]
        miR-215 [52]
        miR-214 [52]
        miR-223 [52]
        miR-298 [52]
        miR-327 [52]
        miR-494 Sox8 [52]
        miR-497 [52]
        miR-7674-5p [57]
表2 在CIRI中miRs的影响
促CIRI发生发展 信号通路/轴 参考文献 改善CIRI预后 信号通路/轴 参考文献
miR-217 NF-κB [13] miR-579-3p NF-κB [14]
miR-22 PI3K/AKT/mTOR JAK/STAT3 [27] miR-193b-3p NF-κB [15]
miR-10a PI3K/Akt/mTOR [19] miR-429 NF-κB [16]
miR-455-3p TP53INP1轴 [34] miR-26b-5p NF-κB [17]
miR-134 CREB/Nrf2 [39] miR-1906 NF-κB [18]
miR-148b-3p Sestrin2/Nrf2/ARE轴 [40] miR-182-5p NF-κB [18]
miR-302b3p GSK-3β)/Nrf2/ARE轴 [41] miR-372-3p NF-κB [18]
miR-199a-5p Brg1)/Nrf2/HO-1轴 [42] miR-26 PTEN轴 [19]
miR-10a caspase-3活性和Bax [19] miRNA-26b-5p PTEN轴 [20]
miR-224-3p caspase-3 [54] miR-216a JAK2/STAT3 [22]
miR-155 caspase-3 [54] miR-1906 JAK2/STAT3 [22]
miR-429 caspase-3 [54] miR-26a PI3K/Akt、MAPK/ERK [19]
miR-10a PI3K/Akt/ mTOR [54] miR-338-5p AMPK/mTOR [26]
miR-370 SIRT6 [54] miR-375 p21/PI3K/Akt [19]
miR-144 Nrf2/ARE轴 [54] miR-124 PI3K/Akt/ mTOR [29]
miR-142-5p Nrf2/ARE轴 [54] miR-128-3p MAPK WNT1 [32][33]
miR-153 Nrf2/ARE轴 [54] miR-30b PI3K/Akt/eNOS [44]
miR-93 Nrf2/ARE轴 [54] miR-424 PI3K/Akt/eNOS [44]
miR-217 SIRT1 [54] miR-126 PI3K/Akt/eNOS [29]
miR-135a GSK-3β [54] miR-451a 靶向Rac1 [45]
miR-421 MCL1 [54] miR-193b-3p 5-脂氧合酶 [15]
miR-224-3p FIP200 [54] miR-204-5p NF-κB [46]
miR-193b-3p 5-LOX [54] miR-579-3p 炎性细胞因子TNF-a [14]
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miR-107 GLT-1 [54] miR-26a caspase-3活性和Bax [19]
miR-124 PI3K/Akt/eNOS [54] miR-488-3p 靶向VPS4B [53]
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