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中华介入放射学电子杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 09 ›› Issue (04) : 388 -394. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5782.2021.04.007


刘洋1, 彭焘1, 万源1, 吴可通1, 赖海洋1, 李丹1, 梁锦汉1, 张波1,()   
  1. 1. 510655 广东广州,中山大学附属第六医院介入中心
  • 收稿日期:2021-08-26 出版日期:2021-11-25
  • 通信作者: 张波

Outcomes and prognosis of long intestinal tube for malignant bowel obstruction caused by unresectable peritoneal metastases of colorectal cancer

Yang Liu1, Tao Peng1, Yuan Wan1, Ketong Wu1, Haiyang Lai1, Dan Li1, Jinhan Liang1, Bo Zhang1,()   

  1. 1. Department of Interventional Center, the Sixth Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong Guangzhou 510655, China.
  • Received:2021-08-26 Published:2021-11-25
  • Corresponding author: Bo Zhang

刘洋, 彭焘, 万源, 吴可通, 赖海洋, 李丹, 梁锦汉, 张波. 经鼻肠梗阻导管治疗不可切除结直肠癌腹膜转移所致肠梗阻的疗效及预后分析[J/OL]. 中华介入放射学电子杂志, 2021, 09(04): 388-394.

Yang Liu, Tao Peng, Yuan Wan, Ketong Wu, Haiyang Lai, Dan Li, Jinhan Liang, Bo Zhang. Outcomes and prognosis of long intestinal tube for malignant bowel obstruction caused by unresectable peritoneal metastases of colorectal cancer[J/OL]. Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology(Electronic Edition), 2021, 09(04): 388-394.






102例患者中男性74例,女性28例,中位年龄51.5岁。患者整体肠梗阻缓解率为74.5%(76/102),术后接受化疗或者化疗联合靶向治疗为45%(45/102),术后接受减瘤手术为4.9%(5/102)。截至2021年8月末次随访,中位总生存时间为2.8(95%CI:1.7~3.8)个月,6个月和1年的总体生存率分别为30%和12%。多因素分析显示:肠梗阻症状缓解(HR = 0.548,95%CI:0.313~0.959,P = 0.035)及术后化疗(HR = 0.481,95%CI:0.284~0.815,P = 0.007)显著降低患者死亡风险。




TTo explore the efficacy and prognosis of long intestinal tube treatment for malignant bowel obstruction (MBO) caused by unresectable peritoneal metastasis of colorectal cancer (mCRC).


A retrospective study was conducted. In accordance with the above criteria, clinicopathological data of 102 patients undergoing long intestinal tube at The Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, from April 2018 to December 2020 were retrospectively collected. The remission rates of obstruction after long intestinal tube were analyzed. Kaplan-Meier method was used to evaluate survival and Cox regression analysis was used to identify prognostic factors.


Among102 patients, 74 were male and 28 were female with median age of 51.5 (16~86) years. The remission rate of obstruction was 74.5% (76/102). Forty-five percent (45/102) patients underwent chemotherapy with or without targeting therapy, including 4.9% (5/102) cases scheduled for cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC). Till the last follow up of August 2021, the median overall survival time was 2.8 (95%CI: 1.7~3.8) months, and the 6-month and 1-year survival rates were 30% and 12% respectively. Multivariate analysis showed remission rate of obstruction (HR = 0.548, 95%CI: 0.313~0.959, P = 0.035) and chemotherapy with or without targeting therapy (HR = 0.481, 95%CI: 0.284~0.815, P = 0.007) were independent risk factors associated with prognosis of patients with MBO caused by unresectable peritoneal mCRC.


For patients with MBO caused by unresectable peritoneal mCRC, long intestinal tube may achieve higher symptom relief rate and prolong survival, and improve conditions for systematic chemotherapy, even CRS and HIPEC.

图1 患者,男,69岁,乙状结肠癌术后腹膜广泛转移并多节段小肠梗阻,肠梗阻导管置入术后2 d复查,梗阻明显好转,可恢复少量流质饮食
表1 102例不可切除结直肠癌腹膜转移所致恶性肠梗阻患者基线资料表
表2 76例肠梗阻导管置入后梗阻缓解分析
临床特征 例数(%) 单因素分析 多因素分析
χ2/t值 P值 OR值 P值
  男性 51(68.9)        
  女性 25(89.3) 4.437 0.035a 2.996(0.765~11.729) 0.115
  ≤65岁 64(78.0)        
  >65岁 12(60.0) 2.758 0.097    
  直肠 21(72.4) 0.094 0.759    
  结肠 55(75.3)        
  31(75.6) 0.044 0.834    
  同时 22(59.5) 6.925 0.009a 3.061(1.115~8.402) 0.030a
  异时 54(83.1)        
  1~3 20(83.3) 2.901 0.089    
  4 30(63.8)        
  0~1 22(73.3) 0.058 0.081    
  2 29(70.7)        
  26(74.3) 0.001 0.970    
  腺癌 50(73.5) 0.136 0.713    
  黏液、印戒癌 16(69.6)        
  高分化 3(75) 0.004 0.949    
  中-低分化 55(27.5)        
  一线或未接受 34(69.4) 1.212 0.271    
  二线及以上 38(79.2)        
  野生型 11(73.3) 0.032 0.857    
  突变型 25(75.8)        
肠梗阻导管置入程度(m)   2.959 0.004a 0.118(0.026~0.538) 0.006a
CEA水平(μg/mL)   0.832 0.408    
表3 102例经鼻肠梗阻导管置入术后患者生存因素分析
临床特征 平均中位生存(月),95%CI 单因素分析 多因素分析
HR(95%CI) P值 HR(95%CI) P值
  男性 2.5(1.4~3.5)        
  女性 4.0(0.15~7.9) 0.844(0.482~1.476) 0.552    
  ≤65岁 2.8(1.5~4.0)        
  >65岁 3.5(0.9~6.0) 1.032(0.521~2.044) 0.928    
  直肠 1.5(0.5~2.5)        
  结肠 0.479(2.2~4.1) 0.723(0.429~1.244) 0.242    
  1.9(0.9~3.0) 1.756(1.038~2.971) 0.036a 1.538(0.903~2.619) 0.113
  同时 2.1(1.4~2.9)        
  异时 2.9(1.9~3.9) 1.183(0.693~2.022) 0.538    
  1~3 3.1(0.0~13.0)        
  4 1.9(1.1~2.6) 1.472(0.722~3.001) 0.287    
  0~1 3.1(0.1~6.2)        
  2 1.7(1.2~2.2) 1.289(0.689~2.411) 0.428    
  1.9(0.8~2.9) 1.821(1.048~3.166) 0.034a 1.542(0.874~2.721) 0.135
  腺癌 2.2(0.9~3.5)        
  黏液、印戒癌 2.9(1.6~4.2) 0.848(0.453~1.589) 0.607    
  高分化 1.5(0.0~3.3)        
  中-低分化 3.1(1.1~4.7) 0.428(0.128~1.430) 0.168    
  一线或未接受 2.8(1.0~4.5)        
  二线及以上 2.5(1.2~3.9) 1.051(0.631~1.750) 0.849    
  野生型 0.8(0.5~1.2)        
  突变型 4.7(0.5~8.8) 0.455(0.210~0.987) 0.046a    
  2.9(2.1~3.8) 0.768(0.460~1.282) 0.312    
  5.1(0.2~9.9) 0.425(0.251~0.719) 0.001a 0.481(0.284~0.815) 0.007a
    0.128(0.018~0.925) 0.042a    
  3.2(2.2~4.2) 0.499(0.289~0.861) 0.012a 0.548(0.313~0.959) 0.035a
图2 102例经鼻肠梗阻导管置入术后患者总体生存曲线
图3 梗阻症状缓解与梗阻症状未缓解患者总体生存曲线比较
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