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中华介入放射学电子杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 05 ›› Issue (02) : 79 -82. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5782.2017.02.005

所属专题: 文献


王福安1, 黄文诺1, 吕朋华1, 孙陵1, 王书祥1, 徐川1, 李贵玲2,()   
  1. 1. 225001 江苏省苏北人民医院介入放射科
    2. 225001 江苏省苏北人民医院医学检验科
  • 收稿日期:2017-02-26 出版日期:2017-05-01
  • 通信作者: 李贵玲

A preliminary study on application value of Cone Beam CT in prostate arterial embolization

Fuan Wang1, Wennuo Huang1, Penghua Lyu1, Ling Sun1, Shuxiang Wang1, Chuan Xu1, Guiling Li2,()   

  1. 1. Department of Interventional Radiology, Subei People's Hospital of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou 225001, China
    2. Department of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Subei People's Hospital of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou 225001, China
  • Received:2017-02-26 Published:2017-05-01
  • Corresponding author: Guiling Li
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Li Guiling, Email:

王福安, 黄文诺, 吕朋华, 孙陵, 王书祥, 徐川, 李贵玲. C臂锥体束CT技术在前列腺动脉栓塞术中的应用价值[J]. 中华介入放射学电子杂志, 2017, 05(02): 79-82.

Fuan Wang, Wennuo Huang, Penghua Lyu, Ling Sun, Shuxiang Wang, Chuan Xu, Guiling Li. A preliminary study on application value of Cone Beam CT in prostate arterial embolization[J]. Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology(Electronic Edition), 2017, 05(02): 79-82.


初步评价C臂锥体束CT(Cone Beam CT,CBCT)技术在前列腺动脉栓塞术(PAE)治疗前列腺增生中的临床应用价值。


回顾性分析2015年6月—2016年12月在我院进行前列腺动脉栓塞治疗的12例前列腺增生患者的临床资料,所有患者在进行前列腺动脉插管造影时均进行CBCT检查,以明确前列腺动脉的正确插管位置,预防非靶器官的误栓。经CBCT证实后,在透视下用100~300 μm直径的聚乙烯醇(PVA)颗粒栓塞前列腺动脉,术后观察患者血尿症状、排尿困难的改善情况及是否出现并发症。






To evaluate the clinical value of Cone Beam CT(CBCT) technology in prostatic artery embolization (PAE) in treating prostatic hyperplasia.


A retrospective analysis of clinical data of 12 patients with benign prostate hyperplasia who received PAE in our department during June 2015 to December 2016 was performed. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) particles were used as embolization agent intraoperatively. CBCT was running during the PAE procedure to ensure a clear prostate gland artery intubation, preventing non-target organs embolization by mistake. Confirmed by CBCT, 100 μm to 300 μm diameter of PVA particles were injected into the prostate gland artery. The postoperative follow-up was made to observe these patients status with hematuria and any complications caused by embolization.


All of the patients were performed CBCT examination under DSA. 10 patients (83.3%) received bilateral prostatic artery embolism while the other 2 (16.7%) patients received unilateral prostatic artery embolism due to curved artery. All patients received embolization with CBCT imaging confirmation. 8 patients’ urine tubes were removed successfully 1~2 weeks after the procedure, and these patients kept urine unobstructed without hematuria in the follow-up a month later, with efficiency being 67.7% (8/12) . Among the 3 patients with hematuria symptoms, the blood did not appear in the urine during the follow-up, thus, the hemostatic effectiveness was 100%. No serious complications of ischemic necrosis in adjacent organs such as the bladder, rectum, and penis were observed.


CBCT plays an important role in guiding PAE in precision and avoiding the postoperative complications.

图1 典型病例(82岁老年男性,巨大前列腺增生伴排尿困难及血尿症状)行前列腺动脉栓塞术
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