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中华介入放射学电子杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 05 ›› Issue (04) : 244 -248. doi: 10.3877/cma.j.issn.2095-5782.2017.04.009

所属专题: 文献


薛绛宇1,(), 赵同源1, 蔡栋阳1, 时伟玉2, 李钊硕1, 张坤1, 李天晓1, 贺迎坤1   
  1. 1. 河南省人民医院介入科脑血管病区
    2. 新乡医学院
  • 收稿日期:2017-09-01 出版日期:2017-11-01
  • 通信作者: 薛绛宇
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(81601583); 国家十三五重点研发计划(2016YFC1300702)

Clinical application and curative effect of large-size coils embolization using in intracranial aneurysms

Jiangyu Xue1,(), Tongyuan Zhao1, Dongyang Cai1, Weiyu Shi2, Zhaoshuo Li1, Kun Zhang1, Tianxiao Li1, Yingkun He1   

  1. 1. Cerebrovascular Division of Interventional Therapy Center, Henan Provincial People's Hospital, Zhengzhou 450003, China
  • Received:2017-09-01 Published:2017-11-01
  • Corresponding author: Jiangyu Xue
  • About author:
    Corresponding author: Xue Jiangyu, Email:

薛绛宇, 赵同源, 蔡栋阳, 时伟玉, 李钊硕, 张坤, 李天晓, 贺迎坤. 大规格弹簧圈栓塞术在颅内动脉瘤中的临床疗效探讨[J]. 中华介入放射学电子杂志, 2017, 05(04): 244-248.

Jiangyu Xue, Tongyuan Zhao, Dongyang Cai, Weiyu Shi, Zhaoshuo Li, Kun Zhang, Tianxiao Li, Yingkun He. Clinical application and curative effect of large-size coils embolization using in intracranial aneurysms[J]. Chinese Journal of Interventional Radiology(Electronic Edition), 2017, 05(04): 244-248.










To explore the safety, feasibility, economy and effectiveness of large-size coils embolization.


40 consecutive patients with intracranial aneurysms treated with large-size coils (the first coil was obviously larger than the diameter of the aneurysm) from January to December 2016 in our center were analyzed retrospectively. Endovascular coiling treatment detials were analyzed according to the cerebral angiography immediately after treatment.


A total of 40 aneurysms in 40 patients received endovascular treatment with sith large-size coils, 24 ruptured and 16 unruptured. The mean largest diameter of the aneurysms was (6.27±2.76) mm, the mean diameter of the aneurysms was (5.28±2.27) mm, of which 21 cases were embolized, 19 cases embolized with the assistence of stent. An average of (3.26±1.48) coils with a mean length of (34.95±27.22) cm per aneurysm was used, resulting in a mean packing density of (18.32±6.39) %. The angiography immediately after treatment showed that among the 40 intracranial aneurysms 39 belonged to Raymond grade Ⅰ, 1 belonged to Raymond grade Ⅱ. No procedural aneurysm rupture and thromboembolic events observed during the operation. Follow-up angiography 6 months after the treatment revealed that 39 aneurysms were Raymond grade Ⅰ, 1 aneurysms was Raymond grade Ⅱ. During the follow-up period, no death and re-bleeding events occurred.


For the treatment of intracranial aneurysms, large-size coils embolization is safe and effective although its long-term results need to be further studied.

表1 动脉瘤部位和直径
图1 第一枚弹簧圈规格与动脉瘤直径的线性关系图
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